Special Announcement!
Over the last several weeks I’ve been sharing some of the steps we took to prepare our canine Baxter for the arrival of our new baby. For all of the messages in this series, click here.
I’m thrilled to share that Baxter is officially a big brother
His sister Ellie arrived on Feb. 23.
Baxter’s reaction to the baby has for the most part been no big deal. He sniffs her and chooses to interact every so often. He doesn’t mind sharing his sunbeam or sitting on the bed while we change or feed her.
It’s very encouraging when he wanders into the nursery to see what’s going on or accepts my invitation to hop up on the couch when Ellie and I are there.
He also chooses to remove himself every so often, particularly those times that angry baby shows up. in some cases it seems like he feels a bit confused or neglected, but that could just be me projecting. We expected he would need some period of adjustment, and he wouldn’t likely be the first to volunteer to babysit. We’re letting him decide how and when he wants to interact and that seems to be working well for us.
Mostly, he has been his typical lazy self—which makes us very happy
We’re working to give Baxter a good amount of attention, including his walks, playing fetch or simply lots of petting. Making sure he still feels part of the family is very essential to us.
Initially, walks and our daily routine were a bit much more of a challenge than we expected. While I didn’t have to have surgery, my recovery after delivery was a bit much more involved than I had hoped and I wasn’t as mobile as I planned.
After my spouse Matt went back to work, Baxter spent a few days with Matt’s parents, so that he could get his daily walks. He accepted this change in his routine very well, and we were thankful we had made arrangements with Matt’s parents in advancement in case we needed help.
Once I was able to get around better, we enlisted family members to sit with Ellie while I took Baxter for a walk. I also evaluated the limits of our stroller by pushing it over the rough, snowy ground around the farm so that the three of us could go out together (our road does not have sidewalks and is too busy to do stroller walks off the property). Baxter willingly adapted to our slow (and typically short) walks and didn’t ask for much more activity.
Fortunately, the baby carrier that I purchased has finally arrived, so that has made our walks much simpler and pleasurable for all of us.
We are all adjusting
While Baxter does seem to be attentive to Ellie’s noises, he’s not overly bothered by her. Likewise, she does not seem to be bothered by his barks or howls. We had various visitors as family and pals have met Ellie, and Baxter typically barks to notify us that a unusual automobile has come up the driveway. His barking, “talking,” squeaking toys or even thundering around the living room as he plays fetch have not disturbed Ellie—even if she’s sleeping in the same room.
So far, for both canine and baby, things are going very smoothly, and I’m very grateful for that. I’m pleased to see that all of our preparation is giving us the results we were hoping for as Baxter and Ellie—and us—adjust to our new lives together.
I’ll be continuing to post about our preparation techniques and share how things are choosing Baxter and Ellie over the coming weeks. To see all of the previous messages in this series, click here.
Julia Thomson est une blogueuse à la maison sur 129 acres où elle écrit sur ses aventures de vie country et de rénovation de bricolage. Elle et son conjoint vivent dans une ferme de 129 acres en Ontario, au Canada. Suivez Julia sur Twitter ici et Instagram ici.
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